
This allows you to read from it or write to it as you please. You can replace the content of the file. This cannot achieve by FileInputStream or FileOutputStream.

Create a RandomAccessFile object

RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw");
rRead mode. Calling write methods will result in an IOException.
rwRead and write mode
rwdRead and write mode - synchronously. All updates to file content is written to the disk synchronously.
rwsRead and write mode - synchronously. All updates to file content or meta data is written to the disk synchronously.


try(RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw")) {

	// may wrap this with a loop to read entire file
	var returnType = file.readChar();

RandomAccessFile provides many methods to read:

  • readInt()
  • readByte()
  • readBoolean()
  • readLong()
  • readDouble()
  • readFloat()
  • readChar()
  • readShort()
  • readFully(byte[])

Or read the file full line by

  • readLine()


Write to file has similar methods, though you have to pass the input, as reading from the file.

byte[] bytes = // bytes
try(RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw")) {

It’s better to use FileWriter to do the writing. It’s because there might be encoding issue with these methods. StackOverFlow